As a real estate agent, my primary goal is to assist homebuyers in finding the perfect property that meets their specific needs and budget. From the initial consultation, I work closely with clients to understand their preferences, priorities, and constraints. Based on their requirements, I research properties available in the market and compile a list of potential options. I take my clients to view the properties and help them evaluate the pros and cons of each. My role is to provide accurate and timely information about the properties, such as location, amenities, price, and potential for appreciation, among others. I also help clients negotiate the best possible price and terms of the purchase agreement. My experience and knowledge of the Whatcom County real estate market is invaluable in helping clients navigate the complex and often confusing process of buying a home—I am committed to providing personalized, professional, and ethical service that exceeds my clients' expectations.

Additional Services

  • Complimentary Market Analysis & Consultation

  • Personalized Property Tours

  • Transaction & Contract Assistance

  • Trusted Connections

  • Relocation Consulting


If You’re a Seller